commission info

wow, thank you for clicking on this page! it means a lot that you'd even venture here, whether you're here to order from me or judge me. let's get on with it, then!
commissions: open!


these are things i'm comfortable with drawing, and things i'm not comfy with.
if your request doesn't fall neatly into these categories, please reach out to me and we can discuss your ideas. i don't bite (much, and only with consent).

willcan be convincedwon't
animalschildrenanother artist's style
anthroscyborgschild-like characters nsfw
armorintricate backgroundsexcessive gore
book coversmachineryfree art
character sheetsshort comic panelshateful/discriminatory content
detailed clothingvehiclesinflation
emotes (twitch/discord)holdself-harm
merch designs  
tattoo designs  


overviews of my pricing. these are subject to change, and are only guidelines. please keep that in mind when we begin communicating about your custom piece. additional details and more complex pieces will be priced accordingly.these prices apply to art in which you provide reference images of what you want me to draw.
if i am to design a character for you based on only a description, the prices are likely to increase.
-click images to enlarge-

sketched - $25 +

  • quick line drawings of your idea

  • generally "messy" in style

  • basic; very little detail

  • willing to use one or two colors to highlight important features

  • 1-2 simple revisions can be made in this tier

  • simple objects included (such as a tabletop, a small held item)

  • added characters are an additional $15 per

lined - $45 +

  • cleanups of the "sketched" tier

  • i can include the sketch layer in a separate file if requested

  • more detail is available for this, but will require additional fees if we're talking individual feathers or jewels

  • willing to use one or two colors to highlight important features

  • 2-3 revisions can be made in this tier; more will result in fees

  • simple objects included (such as a tabletop, a small held item)

  • added characters are an additional $25 per

basic color - $80 +

  • your lined art, colored! wow!

  • i can include the sketch and line art layers in separate files if requested

  • generally flat colors, but will do minor shading

  • super simple backgrounds included, as well as text

  • simple objects included (such as held items)

  • 2-3 revisions can be made in this tier

  • color tweaks can be done as you wish, within reason

  • added characters are an additional $40 per

complex color - $100 +

  • more detailed shading/lighting, smoother transitions

  • i can include the sketch and lined layers in separate files if requested

  • details are FUN in this tier - shiny metal, jewels, etc. but they will still incur an additional fee

  • 4-5 revisions can be made in this tier (spread across sketch, lining, and coloring)

  • simple objects included

  • simple background included (such as general shapes of trees, a city skyline)

  • added characters are an additional $70 per

digital painting - $200 +

  • similar to the last tier, but more involved

  • lineart is kept to a minimum in these pieces, if visible at all

  • meant to be a full artistic piece, versus a character showcase

  • simple backgrounds are included, as well as a few intricate details

  • 4-5 revisions can be made throughout the process

  • we will communicate a LOT more with this tier, to make sure we're both happy

  • added characters are an additional $100 per

next steps

do you want to order from me?no: ok thanks for stopping by!
maybe: thanks for considering me! please reach out if you need any clarifications.
yes: sweet! then let's continue.

okay, after you order, what can you expect?

  • we will communicate to come to an agreement on design of your piece, the pricing expectations, and timelines.

  • i will send you a paypal invoice for half of the agreed-upon price as payment to act as a deposit.

  • you will send me the deposit, which will prompt me to begin working.

  • i will begin with the sketching phase.

  • i will send you a watermarked sketch, and you will respond with an approval or change requests.

  • if these changes are things not outlined in your original request (aside from small details), i will adjust pricing as necessary.

  • if you ordered a sketch, i will take the remainder of the payment and send you the full version, not blocked by a watermark. please note, on the finished piece, i will include a watermark, but one to not interfere with your art.

  • if you ordered from a higher tier, once you have approved the sketch, i will begin lining (or cleaning up the sketch, depending on the piece).

  • i will send periodic updates during this time. please be on the lookout for communication. we can discuss tweaks and changes. if these changes are complex, a fee will occur.

  • any progress photos will be cropped/resized/watermarked.

  • when you and i are both happy with the piece, i will send a larger version with a watermark, so we can make sure every detail is accounted for.

  • from there, i will require the remainder of your payment. i will then send the entire piece, in formats of your choosing, with large watermarks removed. a small watermark will remain, but will not obstruct the art.

Terms for commissioning freelance artist: artsychu, [email protected] -“I” = artsychu = Artist
“You” = commissioner = Client
“Artwork” = art provided by Artist to Client


  • Look at my Pricing Page for guidelines related to commission cost.

  • Read my Wills and Won’ts for details on things that I am not willing to draw.

  • I can turn down any commission for any reason. I will do my best to give the reason for the decline; however, if you are rude, I will block you from further communication.

  • Art constantly evolves. My work for you may not be exactly like works I’ve done for others. Please communicate your concerns throughout the process.

  • You cannot use any of my art for NFTs.

  • All artwork provided to you will have my watermark on the finished piece. This will be small, and will not obstruct any important details.

  • All sales are for Digital Artwork only. I will not print or ship anything to you.

  • I will not copy/recreate any other artist’s style or artwork.


  • As the artist, I retain full rights and ownership of the commissioned artwork: posting it to my sites, making speed paints, or presenting it in my portfolios. If you do not want your artwork posted on my social media or my website, you must request this specifically.

  • You cannot claim any of my designs or my art as your own.

  • Please credit me when posting your artwork to social media or other such websites.

  • You may not use the artwork for redistribution or external projects, commercial or non-commercial (i.e. t-shirts, mugs, public flyers, etc.) unless otherwise discussed.

  • Commercial usage will result in price increases, up to 300% of a personal use commission of the same scale. This will be communicated before payment.

  • You reserve the right to print or create an otherwise physical reproduction of the Artwork as long as it is for your personal use

  • You are NOT authorized to change, modify, edit, or use my works without my permission.

  • I will not claim the intellectual property (IP) of the commissioned artwork.

  • I will not profit further from the commissioned artwork unless you break any of the terms and conditions listed in this agreement.


  • USD accepted via PayPal only.

  • A deposit of half of your commission price is required before I begin drawing. If you’d prefer to pay the entire balance up front, let me know.

  • Do not send me any payment until I have confirmed I can accept your commission AND have requested payment via PayPal invoice. Failure to comply will result in a refund and potential cancellation of your commission.

  • You have one week to pay the deposit before your commission slot is forfeited.

  • If your slot is forfeited, you will need to reach out to me again. Pricing may change.

  • Repeated counts of commissioning a project and failing to pay will result in blacklisting.

  • If you cancel your order before I have started it, you will be refunded.

  • If you cancel after I have started, I will charge and refund you accordingly.

  • If you are getting a refund, do not request a Paypal chargeback. I will transfer the money back to you myself.

  • If I begin coloring your artwork, I will not provide any refunds.

  • Once your artwork is complete and you have approved it, I will require the remainder of the charge before releasing images to you.

  • If for any reason I cannot complete your commission, I will refund you and give you whatever I have drawn for free.

  • Any belligerence will be taken as a cancellation, and any deposits will be forfeited.


  • You must provide reference images for your commission, or it will be considered a design request. This will be more expensive, due to extra effort on my part to iron out details, communicate with you more frequently for input, and use my brain more. :)

  • Commissioner will receive drafts for each “phase” of art - sketching, lining, color layout - to approve.

  • Edits and changes will need to be requested during those drafting times.

  • Any details missed on my end will be fixed for free.

  • Any details you failed to provide and request to add later on will result in a fee.

  • Commissioner is more than welcome to contact me for progress inquiries.

  • It is your responsibility to save the files I provide to you in a timely manner. To eliminate overloading my Google Drive, I will delete your commission files after a month of providing them to you. If you need more time, reach out to me as soon as possible.

  • For the most part, your artwork will still be saved on my device; however, this cannot be guaranteed, so save your files as soon as possible.

  • I will provide the sketch and lineart layers as add-ons for free if you would like them. It is your job to communicate this to me early on; otherwise there’s no guarantee I won’t merge layers or delete them.

  • Any emails, private messages, and comments that you send must be in English. Miscommunication due to mistranslation is at fault of the client.

  • After commission completion, edits and changes will tack on fees.

  • If you need me to rush your commission, an additional fee will be required, of up to 25% of the commission price.


If the client breaks any of the points stated above they will lose all the aforementioned rights to the artwork commissioned by me, artsychu (the artist), and I will have the right to profit further from the commissioned artwork in any way I see fit. If you have a problem with any of these statements, they may be changed if discussed with me prior to paying your commissioned piece. No refunds will be offered if terms are broken.